Thursday, August 18, 2011

What I was going to do...

...was give you a sordid, wurst-by-wurst, wool shop-by-wool shop account of my fabulissimo week in Wiesbaden.  Instead, you're getting this:
The Marktkirche in Wiesbaden.   The last time I was in Wiesbaden, the church was being restored and was covered in scaffolding.  It's nice to see it unencumbered.

The Marktkirche is the centre-piece of Weisbaden's market square, where twice-weekly farmer's markets take place.  One year, I want to go to Wiesbaden during the Christmas season and visit the Christmas market that takes place here as well.  I spent the better part of one day wandering around the market-stands, eyeing fruits and vegetables, sausage and cheese, fresh herbs and flower bouquets.  It was a feast for the eyes.
The Marktstrasse.  Wiesbaden's sometimes-confusing pedestrian zone has been mastered by yours truly.  I know where every Ditsch pretzel stand is.  €0.60 gets you a fresh pretzel - hot out of the oven.  Be still my beating heart.  I lost count how many I ate.  Yet, remarkably, I came back weighing 2 pounds less then when I left - I walked so much I bruised my toe nails.  Cobblestones are hard on the feet like that.  Next time, I'm bringing better shoes along.
Another view of the pedestrian zone at the corner of the Marktstrasse and the Hessicher Landtag, the parliamentary building of Hessen, the federal state Wiesbaden is located in.  There is so much history here, and so much architecture to take in.  There are some unbelievable art nouveau buildings in Wiesbaden.  Some of the best examples on the web are here.  When I say it's a stunning city, it's a stunning city.
The Schloss (Palace) Biebrich in Wiesbaden-Biebrich.  Backing onto the Rhine, this palace features a nice restaurant.  Share the Elsaesser Flammkuchen and have the goat-cheese salad, and raise a glass of riesling.
Or have a glass of Radler - a mix of beer and Sprite or 7-Up.  I know, I know, it sounds terrible but goes down in a flash and tastes like more when your first glass is finished.

Life isn't just good, it's superlative.  I got so spoiled I didn't want to return home.  That's when you know you're having a Good Time.

I flew with one carry-on for ease of travel.  This time, I was smart though and packed not one, but two bags inside my suitcase.  When I returned, I checked two bags which were stuffed to the brim with chocolate, Haribo gummibears, and woolwoolwool.  So much sock wool that my circular sock machines are gonna be humming this winter!  I can't wait to show you my stash enhancements!

My first week back home is always frustrating but I'm getting accustomed to it and have learned to go with the flow.  We live with one foot on each continent, Eric and I, and I wish there were some way we could combine both worlds into one happy utopia.  I vowed I would take advantage of the opportunity to visit Germany more often, at least once a year, even if it's only for a week at a time.  It's enough time to decompress and relax, get caught up with old friends and not overstay a welcome.

Germany is my heimat and I love it there.   I also find it interesting that wiki defines heimat as having no simple translation - it's patriotism without nationalism.  It's hard to put a finger on it, but it's part of my culture, my up-bringing, and my mother tongue.  Even though this - Shim Farm - is home and our little corner of paradise, Germany makes my heart pitter-patter.


Robin said...

It looks like you had a truly wonderful time. How cool that you have a place to go visit like that. When you grow up in the States it doesn't seem nearly so cool to go visit home because you don't have to leave the country. hehe

I've never been to Germany but Lee has. I've got big plans of visiting much of Europe someday.

Shim Farm said...

Oh Robin, it's so gorgeous! I hope you get the chance to go!

The US Army headquarters for Europe will move to Wiesbaden from Heidelberg in 2012. There's already a big US military base here, so you hear english being spoken all over the city.

I had a wonderful time and managed to clear a few cobwebs out of my head and relax. I needed a break from our weather (sweltering) and the house (never-ending LOL). Now I'm back with renewed vigour and a bigger patience quota LOL!

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